Verse of the day

Wednesday, October 16, 2024

Is There Life After Death

One man who lived long ago proved in life after death. His name was Jesus, the Son of God, who died a horrible death on the cross and arose from the dead. His death was the payment for the sins of mankind so that man could have fellowship with God and live with Him beyond this life. Jesus is a real historic figure, check it out for youselves. Place your faith in Him for the forgiveness of sins that you may live forever.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

God is Good

I am sorry someone hijacked this blog and posted these post for an nonlinear dating site. I never meant for it to be used that way. However, God is good and His lovs endures forever.

July Fourth Are We Truly Free

It is July 4, 2012, Independence Day, a day that commemorates our country's independence from England. As Americans, July 4 represents the birth of our great nation and the dawn of a new day of freedom. But speaking of freedom, are we truly free?

Are we free from the burdens and cares of this life? Are we free from the terrible guilt of sin? Are we free from fear? Are we free from degrading passions that lead us into shameful indulgences? Free from the love of money and always wanting things? Free from anger, malice, envy, bitterness and negative emotions that keep us in a state of emotional turmoil? Free from the power and penalty of sin? Free from the lies of Satan?

I have good news today on this Fourth of July, if you are not living a life of freedom there is someone who came to set the captives free. His name is Jesus, through faith in Him you can be set free. He died and rose again so that we could be set free and walk in freedom.

Make this July Fourth you Independence Day, surrender your life to Jesus and make Him your all in all. The Bible says, "He whom the Son(the son of God) sets free is free indeed."

Friday, April 6, 2012

Why is it Good Friday?

Why is it Good Friday?

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

In today's, devotion by Oswald Chambers (see link), we are reminded of the awesome feat that was accomplished on the cross for mankind. It was on the old rugged cross that Jesus our Saviour took all the of the world upon Himself and fully satisfied the judgement of God on sin. This is a pivotal point in history, the event that made it possible for sinful, unholy man to have a relationship with a sinless, holy God. Jesus' death on the cross brought man back into the relationship for which he was created, fellowship with the eternal God who created the universe.

As we prepare to celebrate the resurrection of Jesus, may we realize the importance of what happened on the cross of Calvary and the blessings that it wrought for mankind:
  • Payment for sins - The price for our sins has been paid in full forever.
  • He died so that we may have eternal life.
  • Escape from an eternity in hell - Because He took the punishment for our sins, those who place their faith in Jesus do not have to suffer God's wrath against sin, which is being cast into a lake of fire for eternity.
  • Reconciliation - The cross has reconciled us back to the relationship with God that was lost in the Garden of Eden when Adam and Eve sinned.
So it is evident why it is called Good Friday, next we will celebrate Easter, the day on which Jesus came forth from the grave. That glorious day when death was shown to be a defeated foe, and God proved Jesus to be the Son of God by raising Him with His power. Now, praise His name, Jesus lives forevermore in heaven with God the Father to make intercession for you and me.

May we not take lightly what Jesus did through His death and glorious resurrection. For, upon these two events hinge the hope for all mankind. Do you believe? If you do and you have never called on His name, repented of your sins and openly confessed Him as Lord with yor mouth, then do so now and embrace what Jesus purchased for you on the cross, live everlasting with Him who truly loves your soul.

Saturday, March 31, 2012

Blue Ridge Mountain Boy

Blue Ridge Mountain Boy

Don't Critizize, Pray for Others

My Utmost for His Highest by Oswald Chambers

This devotion convicted me of a wrong attitude that I have sometimes regarding faults in other people. Though I do not always vocalize, sometimes I have a harsh, critical attitude. In today's devotion by Oswald Chambers, he speaks of the importance of not criticizing but interceding for others when you notice their sins (see 1 John 5:16 ).

As we go through this life, we should pray for one another, making intercession to God, praying that He would help all of us in our struggles. I realized a long time ago that I am very far from perfect and have my own struggles with sin and it is just by God's grace that I am able to say I am a Christian. However, as I seek God's help for myself, I should also be seeking God to help others instead of having a critical spirit towards them. I need to adopt the mind of Christ towards others, and love others with the love of God that is in my heart through the Holy Spirit.

The Bible says to judge not less we be judged. While it is important that we do not pass judgement on others, it does not mean that we are to totally ignore sin in others. If I were about to step in front of a car speeding down the highway, would you not do your best to stop me, saving me from a certain death. How much more should we try to help others who are engaging in sin, which is more dangerous than any natural perils we face. Why not begin helping others by interceding to God for them? Instead of gossiping about them, or criticizing them, why not pray for them, not out of a sense of moral superiority, but in a spirit of humility, realizing our own wretchedness.

The moral of this post is: When you see others faults, don't criticize ( a practice that accomplishes nothing) but pray for them. Also realize that none of us are perfect and that the only good we can lay claim to is God's amazing grace. May we pray for one another and help each other make

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Fwd: Fw: PRAYER REQUEST: Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, Jan 22, 2012 at 8:49 PM
Subject: Fw: PRAYER REQUEST: Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani
To: Tracy Hughes <>, paul young <>, Sharon Spurling <>, Ann Elliott <>, April Womack <>,, Mark Kratz <>

----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Lou & Kathie <>
Sent: Tue, January 17, 2012 1:02:40 AM
Subject: PRAYER REQUEST: Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani

> *Sent:* Tuesday, January 3, 2012 8:56:12 PM
> *Subject:* Pray for Youcef Nadarkhani facing execution in Iran
> *[image: Description: Description:
> 316610_280881058607074_280880131940500_1042814_171121071_n.jpg]*
> * **This Prayer Chain is calling ALL Christians into action NOW on behalf
> of this Iranian pastor, who faces execution!*
> *
> Pastor Youcef Nadarkhani never practiced the Muslim faith and converted to
> Christianity at age 19, becoming a pastor later. But the courts say that
> since his mother and father *
> *were practicing Muslims, he must recant his Christian faith or die. So
> far, in three court appearances, he has refused to do so - RISKING
> *The Iranian Supreme Court often acts quickly in administering the death
> penalty.*
> *According to a report, when asked by judges to "repent," Youcef replied:
> "Repent,  What should I return to? To the blasphemy that I had before my
> faith in Christ?"
> The judges replied: "To the religion of your ancestors - Islam." To which
> Yousef replied: "I cannot."
> It's time for the body of Christ to act, to pray, to plead for the life of
> our Brother before Christ so that His servant may be spared. *
> *This is what you are asked/called to do. As soon as you receive this
> *Forward to your Church so that they may all pray too. Then forward this
> PRAYER REQUEST to every CHRISTIAN you know so that they may pray also.
> *
> *The Bible States , "If God is with us, who can stand against us." *
> *Hebrews 13:2 Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow
> prisoners .. *