----- Original Message -----
Sent: Friday, October 10, 2008 4:02 AM
Subject: Weekly Prayer Updates Update 10/10/2008
 | vom groups |  | weekly prayer updates |  | | |  |  | |  | VOM Prayer Update for October 6, 2008 On Tue. Oct 07 2008 at 09:02 AM Moderator wrote: IRAN - Two Iranian Christians released from prison - VOM Sources
UPDATE: Praise God! The Voice of the Martyrs contacts report that on Sept. 25 two Christians, Mahmood Matin Azad and Arash Basirat, were released from prison in Shiraz. "A reliable source reported the two men appeared before a local judge and they have been released. The families are very grateful for your prayer support. Please continue to pray for their recovery and safety," VOM contact said. Azad and Basirat were arrested on May 15 and charged with apostasy. Believers around the world had expressed concern for them because of the impending law in Iran that makes death the only punishment for apostasy. VOM actively supports persecuted believers in Iran and provides resources for them to share the gospel and disciple new converts. Pray for the safety of Azad and Basirat and ask God to use their testimony to bring their persecutors into the knowledge of Jesus Christ.
Philippians 4:6-7
KENYA - Muslim Youth Attack Church - Compass Direct News
Compass Direct News reported that more than 49 Muslim youth stormed into The Redeemed Gospel Church in Garissa, Kenya, on Sept. 14 and attacked those present. The mob threw stones at the congregation, damaged pews and walls, destroyed the pulpit and burned a church banner. The attack was sparked by tensions between local Muslims and Christians over a mosque that was constructed three meters from the church building in June 2007. When the mosque was constructed Christians complained that it blocked the church's entryway. Local authorities proposed Christians relocate to a new worship site, but the believers refused to do so, arguing that the solution was only temporary. At last report, the Christians were being prevented from returning to the ransacked church building and did not have a new building in which to worship. Pray that believers will be encouraged to continue meeting together for worship despite opposition. Pray that Christ will work in the hearts of those who oppose Him, so that they, too, will know the Good news.
Hebrews 10:23-25
INDIA - UPDATE - Christians Targeted by Bombs - VOM Sources Orissa
The Voice of the Martyrs contacts in Orissa state report hat three relief camps housing Christians in Kandhamal district were bombed on the evening of Sept. 29. The explosions began at 7:00 p.m. and bombs went off in the villages of Nuagoan and Mahasinghi and the town of Baliguda. VOM contacts believe Hindu extremists are responsible for the attack. For the sixth week, extremists have continued to use violence and intimidation against Christians in relief camps, in an attempt to forcibly convert believers to Hinduism. Several Christian families in the camps have succumbed to pressure form extremists and "reconverted" to Hinduism in exchange for being allowed to return to their homes in Ladapadar village. Fresh violence also persists outside the Kandhamal camps, including the burning and bombing of homes and church buildings. Pray for safety and protection for believers in the relief camps. Pray that Christians in India will stand firm in their faith despite severe pressure to deny Christ.
Joshua 1:8
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