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system@vomgroups.com <system@vomgroups.com> Date: Fri, Jul 10, 2009 at 4:02 AM
Subject: Weekly Prayer Updates Update 07/10/2009
pauldy@tds.net  | vom groups |  | weekly prayer updates |  | | |  |  | Thank you for praying for persecuted Christians around the world.
Let the fires go out in the boiler room of the church and the place will still look smart and clean, but it will be cold. The Prayer Room is the boiler room for its spiritual life. - Leonard Ravenhill And pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests. With this in mind, be alert and always keep on praying for all the saints. - Ephesians 6:18
|  | VOM-USA Prayer Update for July 10, 2009 On Wed. Jul 08 2009 at 11:13 AM Moderator wrote: MAURITANIA - Christian aid worked killed – VOM Sources On June 23, Al-Qaeda reportedly claimed responsibility for shooting and killing, Christopher Leggett, an American aid worker in Nouakchott, the capital city of Mauritania. On June 25, Al-Jazeera TV reportedly received an audio statement from Al-Qaeda which stated that "two knights of the Islamic Maghreb succeeded Tuesday morning at 8:00 a.m. to kill the infidel American Christopher Leggett for his Christianising activities." Leggett worked for a non-governmental organization in Mauritania involved in training and equipping prisoners to re-enter society. He also oversaw a microloan program which fostered the growth of small businesses. He had been a resident of Mauritania for the past seven years along with his wife and four children. Thank the Lord for Christopher Leggett's life as a cross-bearing disciple. Ask God to comfort those who mourn for him. Pray that Christians in Mauritania will be emboldened to follow in their savior's footsteps and remain steadfast in faith. 1 Corinthians 4:9-14, 16 EGYPT - Christians attacked by Muslims – VOM Canada On June 21, Christians in the village of Ezbet Boshra-East, Egypt were fearful to leave their homes after a Muslim mob attacked believers and damaged property, according to VOM contacts. A group of 25 Christians from Cairo arrived in the village to visit Father Isaac Castor, who lives in a building owned by the Coptic Church. When Muslims noticed six of the believers entering the building, they approached the remaining Christians waiting outside and began to taunt them. A Muslim woman approached one of the Christians and slapped her. Hundreds of Muslims then started to throw stones at the building and the believers. Some Christian homes in the village were plundered, farmers' crops were uprooted and Father Castor's car was vandalized. Over a dozen Christians and several Muslims were injured in the violence. Nineteen Christians were arrested and released the following day. Their homes were reportedly ransacked by police and they were mistreated while in detention. Pray for healing for those injured. Pray that Christians in Egypt will put their hope in the Lord as the one who upholds their cause. Ask God to move in the lives of those who persecute believers in Egypt. Psalm 146 CHINA - Update: House church leaders released in Sichuan – China Aid Association Praise God! The house church leaders arrested in Langzhong city, Sichuan province on June 9 have been released following international pressure, according to China Aid Association. Thirteen of the leaders served 10 days of administrative detention and were released on June 20. The five leaders placed in criminal detention were released on June 23. Meanwhile, three other house church leaders arrested on June 14 for "illegal religious activities," in Taochuan village, Shaanxi province have been released. Praise God for these believers and their faithfulness. Ask God to protect them as they continue serving him. Psalm 23 Printer-Friendly Format Add the PrisonerAlert application on Facebook | |  | |  | | |  | You are receiving this email because you subscribed to the Weekly Prayer Updates topic at www.vomgroups.com. If you have received this email in error or if you wish to unsubscribe, click here. | |
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