Verse of the day

Sunday, July 3, 2011

Death Can be Painful

Imagine being stretched out on two wooden beams laid crossways and having nails driven through your feet and hands to hold you to the beams. Now imagine the cross being stood upright with you nailed to it. If the pain of the nails being driven through your flesh is not enough, imagine trying to hold yourself up in order to breathe as your lungs fill up with fluid. Death by crucifixion is not something that most would choose, but Jesus willingly died this way for the sins of the world.

It is interesting that Jesus tells His followers that in order to follow Him they must take up their cross and follow Him daily. Make no mistake, the cross is a torturous means of execution and we must carry it everyday if we would be disciples of Christ. The flesh must be crucified and we must consent to its crucifixion.

Once I have agreed with God and consented about the death of the flesh by submitting to His will, the process begins. Any part of the soul that is rebelling against God must die. That part of the soul will hang on a cross of God’s choosing until it chooses to give up the ghost as Jesus did. The process is painful; the only freedom from the pain is death, choosing to let the flesh die, letting go and giving in to God.

When Jesus died the veil in the temple was tore in half by God, signifying that the way to God had been opened up for all humanity; so that all people could come right into the presence of God for themselves without the need for a priest. When we let go and choose to die, I believe we open avenues in our lives for people to come and know God.

Why as believers do we expect a pain free trek to Heaven? Following Jesus involves a being executed on a cross. The pain can be intense but the reward is out of this world.

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